My Book writing Journey

A blog about how I started writing my book and my journey to finish it.


As I move from chapter to chapter in my editing process, things are becoming more clear.

First and foremost, I am glad that I waited so long to edit this book. I have added so many additional details, details that would have made the story lacking if I hadn’t added them. The interesting thing is that at times I found myself adding details that I thought I had included initially. More than likely I had been thinking about the story on my way to/from work and forgot to actually write down the thoughts I had formed.

Second, I find myself writing less for myself and more for others. When I first started this journey I had found writing to be therapeutic. It allowed me to put my thoughts out there through my characters. Now I find myself more and more wondering what my readers will think of this portion or is that added detail going to bore the reader. As I was editing that first chapter I had wondered if anyone would read past that first chapter, did I leave them wanting more or had I lost them in only a couple paragraphs.

The more I edit the more I realize that I should have fully written the story years ago. This was the story I should have finished instead of publishing my previous book. This is the one I care about, and the one I hope will sell eventually. Not because I want to make millions (although wouldn’t that be nice). I know it likely won’t put me on the New York Times Best Sellers list. No, I want the book to sell because a little piece of my heart and soul goes along with it.