My Book writing Journey

A blog about how I started writing my book and my journey to finish it.

I’m Back

It has been a couple of weeks since I last posted, and for that I apologize. I have been in a mad rush to finish my house so I can consolidate all of my debt into an actual mortgage rather than all of the other methods I used.

For those that don’t know, I purchased land back in September of 2021 and decided to build on it. We did all of the work ourselves, and this weekend we finally finished the house enough to finish the mortgage process. Tomorrow is my appraisal so hopefully it appraises for a decent price. This summer hopefully I will be able to finish the shed as well.

It isn’t much, but it is a nice little house on 5 acres in the middle of nowhere on a dead end road. The house is only 720 square feet which seems super small, but has been a blessing the last couple of months. The other thing that I haven’t shared is that I am potentially headed for my next back surgery, and the small house has allowed me to live relatively comfortably. I may be sleeping and working from my recliner, but I can at least do my own laundry and keep the place clean.

Prior to building this place, I had a bi-level where I would have had to carry laundry up and down stairs, groceries, dog food, all of that normal every day stuff. Sometimes I think things happen at a specific time for a reason. Moving and building this house when I did put me close enough to people that I work with that they can pop over to help me feed me dogs, or to help me shovel some snow without disrupting their lives much. My family has also helped me complete the house, and build my shed. Hopefully all of this will be worth it in the coming weeks.

Next week I have an injection and then early in April I will find out if I will be having surgery. It’s funny, last time I was going to have surgery I thought I would be off work for a couple of months and I was going to finish the book. Maybe this time I will do just that. Writing allows me to release thoughts, I can just let them flow and stress releases. It will be good to get into that flow again. But first… The looming appraisal tomorrow!