My Book writing Journey

A blog about how I started writing my book and my journey to finish it.

My First Book

A few years ago I was posting a lot on Facebook. Now I am not talking about the craze of “I ate pizza for supper” or “look at this sunset”. I am sure I had enough of those most, but I am talking more about the posts that eventually led me to write the first book that I would classify as kind of a self-help or inspiration type book.

A lot of people at that time in this world were struggling. I would go on Facebook and everything was negative, or food. I wanted to put out there for the world, or at least my Facebook friends, some posts that would brighten their moods, make them think a little and just be a refreshing change of pace in a way too negative world. While making these posts I had a few people tell me I should write a book, and after enough people told me to, I did.

This book is drastically different from the book I am currently writing, but it was something that was good for my soul, and I could only hope that someone somewhere would read it and believe that it was good for their soul as well. I couldn’t continue on the journey of writing my current book without at least paying a little homage to the book that started it all!

Life: The Choices That We Make